Commerce 365 for Developers

Internal API’s
To make working with our data models as easy as possible, we have added a long list of so called internal API’s to our solution. This means that as a develo...
Tue, 30 May, 2023 at 9:02 PM
NC365 Attribute API (11260727)
SetAttributeValue SetAttributeValue(ItemNo: Code[20]; AttributeCode: Code[50]; "Value": Variant) Sets the attribute value for a specific item ...
Wed, 26 Oct, 2022 at 2:05 PM
NC365 Category API (11260756)
GetBreadcrumbs GetBreadcrumbs(CategoryNo: Code[20]): Text Returns the breadcrumbs for the given category. Parameters: CategoryNo - The Category No ...
Sun, 30 Oct, 2022 at 8:27 PM
NC365 Customer API (11260749)
CreateNC365Customer CreateNC365Customer(Customer: Record "Customer") Creates a Magento customer account / record for the given customer record...
Fri, 2 Sep, 2022 at 10:32 PM
NC365 Integration API (11260692)
QueueRecord QueueRecord(Rec: Variant) Hand any possible record to the queueing mechanism. The internal logic will further determine whether a record can...
Fri, 2 Sep, 2022 at 10:51 PM
NC365 Inventory API (11260732)
CalculateInventory CalculateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]): Decimal Calculates and returns the web inventory number for a given item number. The calculatio...
Mon, 8 May, 2023 at 9:01 AM
NC365 Item API (11260729)
CreateNC365Item CreateNC365Item(Item: Record Item) Create a Magento item from a standard BC item. Parameters: Item - The item record Returns: nothi...
Wed, 26 Oct, 2022 at 2:10 PM
NC365 Magento API (11260728)
GetAttributeDataFrom GetAttributeDataFrom() Triggers the process that imports all existing attributes and attribute sets from the Magento environment. ...
Fri, 2 Sep, 2022 at 11:27 PM
NC365 Sales Order API (11260734)
GetMagentoOrder GetMagentoOrder(orderID: Integer): JsonObject Retrieve a specific Magento sales order. Parameters: orderID - The Magento order ID R...
Fri, 2 Sep, 2022 at 11:47 PM
NC365 Invoice API (11260770)
CreateHeader CreateHeader(DocumentNo: Code[20]; StagingOrderNo: Code[20]): Record "NC365 Invoice Header" Creates an NC365 Invoice Header based...
Wed, 5 Jul, 2023 at 11:12 PM