After completing the Setup Wizard, the app has created the most commonly used configuration for Commerce 365 for ChannelEngine. This configuration suits most businesses, but you can fine-tune your experience by going back to  the Administration > Setup action in the top menu. The Setup Card will open and reveal the advanced settings for Commerce 365 for ChannelEngine.


The top section provides information on the version you are running, and the connections statuses. 

If your current version is outdated, please update the app from AppSource (BC Online) or our public Github repository (On-Premises) at


If you need to update your Commerce 365 Data Hub credentials or your ChannelEngine credentials you can do that here. 

You should have received these details in an email from us after installing Commerce 365 for ChannelEngine. Don't have these details? Please contact us at

Shipping Defaults

These are standard fields that can be managed per item, but if you provide values here, then those will be applied by default. 

FieldPossible ValuesDescription
Shipping Cost*A decimal value. 
Shipping Time


A text that indicates the standard shipping time.

No. Series

For all new entities introduced by this extension a number series is needed. 

FieldPossible ValuesDescription
Staging Order No.*Number series used for incoming ChannelEngine orders. 
Cancellation Nos.


Number series used for cancellations.
Sales Order Nos.*Optional number series for sales orders created when processing ChannelEngine / staging orders. When empty, the extension will use the ChannelEngine order number.